If your container grown bamboo is in a smaller pot you ll have to either transplant it or divide it every few years to keep it healthy.
Growing tall bamboo in containers.
Make sure that your container has sufficient bottom holes to prevent waterlogging while growing bamboo in pots.
Ten gallons 38 l is the smallest reasonable container size and bigger is always better.
In a container bamboo won t grow as tall as it would in the ground.
A bamboo plant is a form of grass though with a woody stem culm the bamboo plant is a fast growing woody grass.
Choose a container that will allow the bamboo s root system to grow for two to three years before moving up in container size or having to remove divide and replant.
The most important thing when choosing a container to grow your bamboo plant in is size.
The minimum size container for growing most types of bamboo would be 10 gallons in volume.
Part of caring for bamboo in pots is making sure it has ample room for its roots.
Any given variety of bamboo will be less hardy when grown in a container than it would be in the border due to the stress of the constrained growing environment.
Big 25 to 30 gallon 95 114 l wine barrels are ideal.
As bamboo prefers slightly moist soil water it twice a week and increase the quantity if the air is dry and hot.
Growing bamboo plants in containers.
It will also require more watering in the summer than if it was in the ground if you live in the drier climates or choose to place the container indoors.
The height it reaches in containers is usually about half or 75 of its maximal possible height.